Lesser Clarity Potion | восстанавливает 100 mana в течение 30 секунд (если герой атакован, то восстановление прекращается) [1 заряд]
A live wisp is captured in each bottle. Regenerates 100 mana over 30 seconds when used. Dispels on attach. |
50 | |
Ironwood Branch | +1 к strength +1 к agility +1 к intelligence Wearing one of these ensures a Good Game. Increases all stats by 1. |
57 | |
Ancient Tango of Essifation | восстанавливает 175 HP в течении 25 секунд, поедая деревья [2 заряда]
Created by cannibals that went vegan. Allows the bearer to consume two trees, restoring 175 hit points over 25 seconds. 2 charges. |
90 |
Flask of Sapphire Water | восстанавливает 400 HP в течение 10 секунд (если герой атакован, то восстановление прекращается) [1 заряд]
A canteen full of the purest, bluest water. Heals 400 HP over 10 seconds on a friendly unit. 1 Charge. Dispels on attack. |
100 |
Scroll of Town Portal | переносит к любому дружественному зданию [1 заряд]
Transports you to a friendly structure. Makes target structure invulnerable to attacks. |
135 |
Mantle of Intelligence | +3 к intelligence
A dandy looking sapphire mantle; real hit this season. Increases Intelligence by 3 when worn. |
150 |
Slippers of Agility | +3 к agility
Light boots made from spider skin than tingles your senses. Increases Agility by 3 when worn. |
150 |
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength | +3 к strength
Deluxe version of Brass Knuckles. Increases Strength by 3 when worn. |
150 |
Ring of Protection | +2 к armor
Due to its small size, many have troubles with putting it on. Increases the armor of the bearer by 2. |
175 |
Circlet of Nobility | +2 к strength +2 к agility +2 к intelligence An elegant circlet designed for human princesses. Increases all stats by 2. |
185 |
Sentry Wards | ставит ward, показывающий крипов и героев поблизости (в том числе невидимых!) в течение 360 секунд [2 заряда]
Drops a Sentry Ward which gives truesight, revealing nearby invisible units. Has very limited natural vision by itself. Lasts 6 minutes. Contains 2 charges. |
200 |
Observer Wards | ставит ward, показывающий крипов и героев поблизости в течение 360 секунд [2 заряда]
Drops an Observer Ward to spy upon an area. Does not have True Sight. Lasts 6 minutes. Contains 2 charges. |
200 |
Animal Courier | может покупать и переносить артефакты
Creates a small fast unit that can carry items to and from your base. If it dies the items will fall to the ground. |
225 |
Stout Shield | c вероятностью 40% блокирует 30 повреждений герою
One man's wine barrel bottom is another man's shield! Gives a 40% chance to block 30 damage. |
300 |
Sobi Mask | +50% к скорости восстановления mana
A common mask used by Mages and Warlocks for various rituals. Increases the mana regeneration of bearer by 50%. |
325 |
Ring of Regeneration | восстановление здоровья +2 HP в секунду
This ring is considered a good luck charm among the Gnomes, as it provides additional 2 hp per second regeneration. |
375 |
Belt of Giant Strength | +6 к strength
Stripped down from Titans fallen in War of the Magi, this enormous belt provides 6 bonus Strength to the bearer. |
450 |
Boots of Elvenskin | +6 к agility
A pair of boots often used for moonwalking. Increases Agility by 6 when worn. |
450 |
Robe of the Magi | +6 к intelligence
This robe corrupts the soul of the user, but provides 6 Intelligence points in return. |
450 |
Boots of Speed | +50 к скорости (не суммируется с любыми другими сапогами или power treads-ами)
Generic sneakers, increasing movement speed by 50. |
500 |
Gloves of Haste | +15% к скорости атаки
A pair of magical gloves that seems to render weapons weightless. Increases the attack speed of hero by 15%. |
550 | |
Chainmail | +5 к armor
A medium weave of metal chains. Adds 5 armor. |
620 | |
Blades of Attack | +9 к damage
A weapon of choice among sadists. Increases damage by 9 when worn. |
650 | |
Planeswalker's Cloak | урон от заклинаний на 15% меньше
A cloak made of a magic material that works to dispel any magic cast on it, granting the wearer 15% resistance to spell attacks. |
650 | |
Empty Bottle | пополняется водой из фонтана - восстанавливает 200 HP и 100 mana в течение 3 секунд (если герой атакован, то восстановление прекращается), может 2 минуты хранить в себе руну, после использования руны становится полной на 2/3 [3 заряда]
A magical bottle that has survived through the ages. It can store healing water for up to 3 uses, each healing 200 hitpoints and 100 mana over 3 seconds. Alternatively, it can be used to capture magical runes for up to 2 minutes. If a magical rune is used from it, it returns to a 2/3 bottle. |
700 | |
Gem of True Sight | показывает невидимых героев поблизости (выпадает при смерти, нельзя продать)
A crystal that grants the hero true sight, which reveals nearby invisible units. However, if the hero dies, the Gem is dropped. |
750 | |
Ring of Health | восстановление здоровья +4 HP в секунду
A shiny ring found beneath a fat hafling's corpse. Provides 4 hit points per second regeneration. |
875 | |
Void Stone | +100% к скорости восстановления mana
A stone of seemingly endless inner power. Grants +100% mana regeneration. |
900 | |
Mask of Death | 10% от наносимого противнику урона переходит в HP героя [orb effect]
The phattest lewt, definitely. Grants 10% life steal. |
900 | |
Helm of Iron Will | +5 к armor восстановление здоровья +3 HP в секунду The helmet of a legendary warrior who fell in battle. Adds +5 armor and regenerates 3 hit points per second. |
950 | |
Energy Booster | +250 к запасам mana
This artifact of the Kelani Magi is said to hold the power to make constructs out of pure energy. Grants +250 mana. |
1000 | |
Ogre Axe | +10 к strength
You feel tougher just by holding it! Grants +10 Strength. |
1000 | |
Blade of Alacrity | +10 к agility
A long blade imbued with time magic. Grants the bearer +10 agility. |
1000 | |
Staff of Wizardry | +10 к intelligence
A powerful staff used by a fallen wizard. Grants +10 intelligence. |
1000 | |
Vitality Booster | +250 к запасам HP
This artifact is said to grant immortality to the Chosen Ones. To all others, it gives +250 hit points. |
1100 | |
Quarterstaff | +10 к damage +10% к скорости атаки Four of these form an ordinary staff, duh! Increases damage by 10 and attack by 10%. |
1150 | |
Broadsword | +18 к damage
Any knight worth a damn should have one of these. Provides 18 bonus damage. |
1200 | |
Point Booster | +200 к запасам HP +150 к запасам mana This mystic jewel increases the reservoir of points that a hero has available to it when carried. Grants 150 bonus mana and 200 hit points. |
1200 | |
Plate Mail | +10 к armor
Thick metal plates that protect the entire upper body. Avoid dropping on feet. Adds 10 Armor. |
1400 | |
Claymore | +21 к damage
A sword that can cut through armor, and still slice a tomato. Provides 21 bonus damage. |
1400 | |
Javelin | +16 к damage при каждой атаке 20% шанс нанести дополнительно 40 damage A rather typical spear that can sometimes pierce through an enemy's armor when used to attack. Increases damage by 16 and has a 20% chance to deal 40 bonus damage with each attack. |
1400 | |
Mithril Hammer | +24 к damage
A hammer forged of pure mithril. It's hammer time! Adds +24 Damage. |
1610 | |
Hyperstone | +55% к скорости атаки
A mystical, carved stone that boosts the fervor of the holder. Grants +55% attack speed. |
2100 | |
Kelen's Dagger of Escape | телепортация героя на небольшое расстояние (90 mana, 30 секунд cooldown, 200-1000 range, 0.33 секунды cast time), не могут использовать Vengeful Spirit и Pudge
The fabled dagger used by Kelen, the fastest assassin ever to walk the lands of Azeroth. Allows the bearer to teleport a short distance. Cannot be used by Vengeful Spirit or Pudge. |
2150 | |
Ultimate Orb | +10 к strength +10 к agility +10 к intelligence A mystical orb containing the essence of life. Increases all stats by 10. |
2250 | |
Demon Edge | +36 к damage
A sword of a fallen general of a Demon Army, imbued with unholy strength. Adds +36 damage. |
2600 | |
Mystic Staff | +25 к intelligence
Enigmatic staff made of only the most expensive crystals. Adds 25 Intelligence. |
2700 | |
Messerschmidt's Reaver | +25 к strength
A massive axe capable of tearing whole mountains down. Adds 25 strength. |
3200 | |
Eaglehorn | +25 к agility
A swift, true-firing bow that almost aims itself. Adds +25 Agility. |
3300 | |
Sacred Relic | +60 к damage
An ancient weapon, it's difficult to tell what Sacred Relic even is. Rumors say that it's a sword, granting +60 attack damage. Ouch! |
3800 | |
Aegis of the Immortal | выпадает из Roshan воскрешение у фонтана [1 заряд] Roshan, the Immortal, was said to own a shield that protected him from death itself. |
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Cheese | выпадает из Roshan 3-го уровня и выше восстанавливает 2500 HP восстанавливает 1000 mana [1 заряд] Restores 2500 hit points and 1000 mana. |
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